Blowing in the Wind by Bob Dylan

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Blowing in the Wind

Vocabulario Clave

  1. Roads (caminos) - Large paths for vehicles or people to travel on.
  2. Man (hombre) - An adult male human.
  3. Seas (mares) - Large bodies of saltwater, larger than lakes.
  4. Dove (paloma) - A bird, often white, symbolizing peace.
  5. Sand (arena) - Fine particles of rock found on beaches.
  6. Times (veces) - Instances or occurrences of an event.
  7. Cannonballs (balas de cañón) - Heavy metal balls shot from cannons.
  8. Banned (prohibidas) - Officially or legally prohibited.
  9. Answer (respuesta) - A solution to a question or problem.
  10. Wind (viento) - The natural movement of air outside.
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#1. How do you say "hombre" in English? ? ¿Cómo se dice "hombre" en inglés?

Man. “Man” is the English term for “hombre”.


#2. "Sand" in Spanish is: ? "Sand" es en español:

Arena. “Sand” refers to fine beach particles, or “arena”.


#3. "Answer" in English is similar to ______ in Spanish. ? "Answer" en inglés es similar a _______ en español

Respuesta. “Answer” is a solution or response, known as “respuesta”.


#4. What does "roads" refer to in English? ? ¿A que se refiere la palabra "Roads"?

Caminos. “Roads” are paths for vehicles or people, similar to “caminos”.


#5. The word "seas" translates to: ? La palabra "seas" se traduce a:

Mares. “Seas” are large bodies of saltwater, or “mares”.


#6. The term "times" can be translated as: ? El término "times" se traduce como:

Veces. “Times” refers to instances, similar to “veces”.


#7. What is a "dove" in Spanish? ? ¿Qué es "dove" en español?

Paloma. “Dove” is a bird known as “paloma”.


#8. What does "wind" mean in Spanish? ? ¿Qué significa "wind" en español?

Viento. “Wind” refers to the movement of air, or “viento”.


#9. If something is "banned", it is: ? Si algo esta "Banned", está:

Prohibido. “Banned” means not allowed, or “prohibido”.


#10. "Cannonballs" are known as ______ in Spanish. ? "Cannonballs" son conocidas como _______ en español

Balas de cañón. “Cannonballs” are heavy metal balls, or “balas de cañón”.

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