Blackbird by The Beatles

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Vocabulario Clave

  1. Blackbird (mirlo) - A type of bird.
  2. Singing (cantando) - The act of producing musical sounds with the voice.
  3. Night (noche) - The period of darkness between sunset and sunrise.
  4. Broken (rotas) - Having been fractured or damaged and no longer in one piece or in working order.
  5. Wings (alas) - The appendages birds use for flying.
  6. Learn (aprender) - Gain or acquire knowledge of a skill.
  7. Fly (volar) - Move through the air using wings.
  8. Life (vida) - The existence of an individual human being or animal.
  9. Waiting (esperando) - The action of staying where one is or delaying action until a particular time or event.
  10. Moment (momento) - A very brief period of time.
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#1. What is a "blackbird" in Spanish? ? ¿Qué es un "Blackbird" en Español?

Un tipo de Pájaro: Mirlo. A blackbird is a type of bird, translated as “mirlo” in Spanish.


#2. How do you say "moment" in Spanish? ? ¿Como se dice "moment" en español?

Momento. Moment, a brief period of time, translates directly as “momento” in Spanish.


#3. What does "singing" mean? ? ¿Qué significa "Singing"

Cantando. Singing refers to producing musical sounds with the voice.


#4. If something is "broken," it is: ? Si algo esta "broken" es:

Roto. Broken means damaged or fractured, which is “roto” in Spanish.


#5. What are "wings" used for? ? ¿Para qué se utilizan las "wings"?

Volar. Wings, or “alas” in Spanish, are used for flying.


#6. What does "fly" mean in Spanish? ? ¿Qué significa "fly"?

Volar. Fly means to move through the air, which is “volar” in Spanish.


#7. "Life" translates to: ? "Life" se traduce a:

Vida. Life means existence or being, which is “vida” in Spanish.


#8. If you are "waiting," you are: ? Si estas "waiting" estás:

Esperando. Waiting refers to staying in place or delaying action, which is “esperando” in Spanish.


#9. How do you say "night" in Spanish? ? ¿Cómo se dice "night" en español?

Noche. Night, the period of darkness, is “noche” in Spanish.


#10. To "learn" means to: ? "Learn" significa:

Aprender. Learn means to acquire knowledge or skill, which is “aprender” in Spanish.

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