Ain’t No Sunshine by Bill Withers

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aint no sunshine

Palabras Clave:

  1. Sunshine - Sol
  2. Gone - Idos (o Ausente)
  3. Warm - Cálido
  4. Away - Lejos
  5. Wonder - Preguntarse
  6. Stay - Quedarse
  7. House - Casa
  8. Home - Hogar
  9. Darkness - Oscuridad
  10. Every day - Todos los días
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Te recomendamos haber escuchado la canción al menos una vez antes de realizar este Test corto de comprensión.



#1. Choose the Spanish word for 'warm'. ? Elige la palabra en español que significa "warm"

Cálido. ‘Warm’ translates to ‘Cálido’ in Spanish.


#2. What does 'every day' mean? ? ¿Qué significa "every day"?

Todos los días. ‘Every day’ translates to ‘Todos los días’, meaning each day or daily.


#3. What does 'away' imply? ? ¿Qué implica "away"?

Lejos. ‘Away’ means at a distance or not present.


#4. What is 'home' in Spanish? ? ¿Que es "home" en español?

Hogar. ‘Home’ translates to ‘Hogar’, indicating a place of living with more emotional significance.


#5. Translate 'darkness' into Spanish. ? Traduce "Darkness" al español

Oscuridad. ‘Darkness’ is ‘Oscuridad’ in Spanish, meaning the absence of light.


#6. Translate 'wonder' into Spanish. ? Traduce "wonder" a español

Preguntarse. ‘Wonder’ is ‘Preguntarse’ in Spanish, meaning to question or be curious about something.


#7. What is the meaning of 'stay'? ? ¿Cual es el significado de "stay"?

Quedarse. ‘Stay’ means to remain in a place.


#8. What does 'gone' mean? ? ¿Que significa "gone?

Ausente. ‘Gone’ means someone or something is not present or is away.


#9. Choose the English word for 'casa'. ? Elige la palabra en inglés de "Casa"

House. ‘Casa’ in Spanish translates to ‘House’ in English.


#10. What is 'sunshine' in Spanish? ? ¿Que significa "sunshine" in Spanish?

Sol. ‘Sunshine’ translates to ‘Sol’ in Spanish.

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