Ejercicios con Question Tags

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Las preguntas del ejercicio estan en Inglés. Si todo esta en español, debes seleccionar en el menu de tu explorador que no traduzca esta pagina.

Ejemplo: Freddy is a boy  Debes escribir: Isn’t he?



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#1. He can’t talk yet, ________?

The answer is

He can’t talk yet, can he?

#2. She can’t walk yet, _________?

The answer is

She can’t walk yet, can she?

#3. You don’t speak French, _______?

The correct answer is
You don’t speak French, don’t you?

#4. They like chocolate, _________?

The correct answer is
They like chocolate, don’t they?

#5. They can speak english, ________?

They can speak English, can’t they?

#6. That’s not a cat, ______?

The correct answer is
That‘s not a cat, is it?

#7. Sam couldn’t find a good place to sit, _________?

The correct answer is
Sam couldn’t find a good place to sit, could he?


#8. He was at the party, __________?

The correct answer is
He was at the party, wasn’t he?

#9. That’s a dog, _______?

The correct answer is
That‘s a dog, isn’t it?

#10. You are watching that movie again, ________?

The correct answer is
You are watching that movie again, aren’t you?

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